Sunday, 27 March 2011
Brighton Rocks
Sunday, 20 March 2011
In the Mood
Friday, 18 March 2011
Shall we dance? – in my case badly!

I’m off to a nice vintage event tomorrow night. Another Big Band evening but this time with dancing, that should be entertainment in itself!!
Three of us have been to an introduction Ceroc class and err that’s about it. All made better by another friend joining us who’s an ex ballerina and so good at Ceroc, Salsa (and everything else to be honest!!) that the room stops to watch (groans with envy).
We were laughing (mostly at our ourselves) about Ceroc classes last night, many more women than men at the one we went to. Trust me, most of the guys weren’t complaining. I have heard that this is a good place to meet potential suitors – opportunity for too many smutty one liners that I really shouldn’t mention!! Anyway I lost track of the times I was severely reprimanded for not letting the man lead. I put this down to the fact that a modern gal has to hold her own so to speak in business and life generally. I found it really hard especially when the guys freestyle & you’re supposed to “just know” what moves they are planning - well I just couldn’t manage to hold my crystal ball at the same time! I guess it gets easier with time???? I hope! Ha.
One gentleman told me “just let the man tell you what to do” I had to hold my tongue rather than inform him that was just one of the reasons that I wasn't married!! he he
I digress! It’s the Jonathan Wyatt band again and I’m dragging more friends along each time they’re so good. The night promises more Glenn Miller, a Frank Sinatra singer and plenty more war time music. Since it’s a 1940’s evening we are of course dressing up – any excuse to be honest! Hopefully my photography skills will be good enough to post our outfits and the hilarity had by all. I think my 3 year old niece Abigail will steal the show and the dance floor – definitely a diva in the making he he.Wishing you a very splendid weekend xx
Thursday, 17 March 2011
A nice new Shop in Aylsham
Last Saturday my friend Julie opened a gorgeous new shop in Aylsham (on Red Lion Street), Norfolk. Filled with locally sourced goodies mostly handmade things. Great for unusual gifts, gorgeous handmade jewellery (I’m taking about her jewels, I’m much too modest to sing Butterflies & Hurricanes praises) but we so have some nice things displayed there too. She also has bags and dresses made with vintage fabrics to painted T-shirts and baseball boots. Vintage inspired and made products make up lots of the loveliness from teacup candles & cupcakes to up-cycled chairs covered in a resplendent mix of fabrics.
Other reasons to visit Aylsham. Well you really need more that one reason to visit somewhere what with the price of fuel and the carbon footprint to consider.
There is a lovely tearoom called the Tea Rooms or something suitably similar! Good for morning coffee and a cheese scone or homemade cakes yum. A nice clothing boutique called Blossom & Green and a wonderful toy shop with really different toys, gifts and learning games.
It’s worth a browse in the charity shops too, nice for little vintage finds. I purchased a working Singer sewing machine for £12.00 in one and a Day Birger et Mikkelsen black silk dress (brand new) for £15.00.

After a little light shopping and lunch, there’s always Blickling Hall just down the road which has lovely gardens to walk around, tea rooms and the house is pretty impressive too.
Also Holt is just a few miles away with plenty more cute boutiques if the shopping bug has bitten. And that’s where I ended up and bought the ball dress & evening coat from my previous blog – like I needed either. Oops he he xxx
Sunday, 13 March 2011
Vintage Viewings
Friday, 4 March 2011
Walking on Sunshine!

yipppeeee it's sunny!!